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Warm Bodies Postponed to 2013
Friday, February 17, 2012 Posted by Uong Jowo

The Summit zombie love story Warm Bodies has been bumped from this year's schedule, shifting from August 10 all the way to February 1, 2013. In doing so, it moves from one traditional genre release point (late summer) to another (early winter). The reasoning for the change is unclear; there was no direct horror competition on August 10 -- or in the week prior and after, for that matter -- but perhaps with Lionsgate's recent acquisition of Summit, the new bosses didn't want another genre flick to interfere with Lionsgate's ghost story The Possession, currently slated for August 31.

Uong Jowo

Thanks for your visit..!


  1. test comment.. the new bosses didn't want another genre flick to interfere with Lionsgate's ghost story The Possession, currently slated for August 31.
